Classic Moments at Camp—Big and Small

What’s camp without those special events that create life-long memories?  Some involve the excitement of a camp-wide event, with everyone cheering, hooting and hollering together. Others are quiet moments shared between a few friends.

Here are some big and small events that we celebrated this week:

  • Many of our bus campers and counselors have created a cheer or song for their bus, which they practice while driving to and from camp. This week some of them took to the stage to share their pride at morning assemblies!
  • Friday is chock-full of camp classics—dancing at the pool, Robin’s cartwheels and our new “clap out” tradition.  As each departing camper walks across the stage and past two rows of our counselors, who salute them and wish them well for the rest of the summer.
  • When our campers eat lunch, it’s a quiet time in the middle of a busy day. There’s general chit chat about camp and a million other topics.  And why is it that lunch eaten at camp tastes better than anything?
  • The Rocket Club, after several weeks of hard work assembling their craft, got to see them launched into the firmament! The club members gave each one an official countdown before ignition!

We take seriously our goal of letting kids be kids at camp.  We hope these events, and many others like them,  will create life-long memories for our campers!

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